Introductory episodes detailing what Sports Psychiatry is and what sports psychiatrist can do for you.
Sport psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, counselors and more join us to discuss their fields.
Athletes from across the globe discuss the mental challenges they have faced along with the importance of mental fitness.
We dive into stories past and present of athletes, coaches and teams that exemplify resilience.
Episodes detailing the pillars of our mental fitness program including integrity, mindfulness, gratitude, communication and confidence.
Athletes share their stories of how they approached their mental fitness.
Episodes dedicated to helping young athletes develop the skills to become successful on and off the field of play.
Year 2020 was a breaking point for many of the underlying injustice and inequalities in our world. We touch on these issues here.
Athletes are just as susceptible to mental illness as the general population. Find out why they are even more at risk for certain illnesses.
We discuss the emotional roller coaster ride of fandom along with its impact on the players and the game.
We detail the characteristics and communication styles of leaders/alphas, role players, glue guys, coaches, etc in discussing team dynamics.
Episode featuring sleep specialists and all the up to date research dedicated to sleep optimization.